Student Housing in Tilburg
My name is Ahmet Sefa. I am 22 and I am third year psychology student at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Turkey. I will be in Tilburg University as an intern this summer. I am looking for an accomodition. I am planning to stay in Netherland between July 29 and October 4. My situation is urgent because I have visa appointment next week and I have to find an accomodition.
I am so friendly person and I love learn new things. It will be my first travelling abroad experience and because of that reason I want to plan that contact with students and young people like me. I love travelling and I want to travel more. In the Netherland, I want to do it more. I love art, especially visual arts. I am looking for new hobbies and making new friends.
Hi everyone, my name is Borys (19yo) and I am Polish. I have been conditionally accepted into TIlburg University for BSc Econometrics and Operations Research starting in September 2024. I am looking for a room in Tilburg or in the suburbs. I am going to fly out to the Netherlands in 1th August, so I would like to have accommodation just for that date in the budget range of up to 650 euros (utilities included and without deposit). Additionally, if someone is finding a roommate, I am interested too. During the period in the Netherlands, I will be supported financially by my parents and I am going to find a job. Something about me: I enjoy playing team sports, workout, cooking and reading books, either in my mother language or in English. I do not drink or smoke. I value order and silence. I consider myself to be disciplined, hard-working…
This is Joel Villoria from Spain, I am going to start economics at the University of Tilburg and i am also looking for a room. It has been difficult. I will be happy to also have a room mate and together look for a place. I will be in Tilburg the 19 August for the Top Week, we could meet and search together for an apartment with two bedrooms. My budget is like yours. I like playing sports, i play tennis and football but mainly tennis, and I will be looking for a job. I like workout and my mother language is English and Spanish, as I lived in Jamaica too. I do not drink, neither smoke. I value silence, i am quiet by social. I am very respectful towards others and I will be focus on studying too.
Hi! My name is Polly, I am 21 years old and I’ll be an Erasmus student at Fontys University for one semester (from 15.2.2023)
I’m looking for a studio or a separate room in Tilburg in a budget of max.800 euros/month
- Thijs Maas
- Peterspapens
- Andrea Sitja Catevilla
- candela.igualada
This is Joel Villoria, the comment comes with my mother's name because we both are looking for my accommodation. i am looking for a room in Tilburg as i will start the University